Morning went well. We're up to the challenge! (For those of you just joinging in... to make it 2 weeks without spending money for groceries. ) We added a few additions to this, to keep us sane:
- Secret shopping doesn't count. I had a few assignments that I needed to finish.
- Milk or bread paid for with cash on hand is okay. (Nothing may be withdrawn from checking or savings.) -- I used CVS bucks and a bread store card to accomplish these two.
- No eating out. Exception, see #1.
- So, for breakfast- the end of yesterdays waffles. Hmm.. where's that pancake recipie again? I'm going to need it.
- Snacks - pears.
- Lunch - The girls had popcorn shrimp leftovers and pizza rolls. (Hey! No one ever said this was the totally healthy challenge!) Also cottage cheese and a cookie.
- Dinner- homemade pizza. I only have Parmesean chesse... so it might get interesting.
If you want to see what I started with, you can read this post. I think we're going to do just fine. It's Fourth of July, but wouldn't you know it-- we got an invite. I think I'll make a pot of beans to bring over, and some biscuits. Hooray!
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