Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Great Kroger Deals This Week

Here they are- some freebies from Korger this week:

P&G Promo: When you buy 4 participating P&G products, you save $4 at checkout. This $4 savings is on other non-P&G products in your cart.

Olay bodywash (thank gooness! My Walgreens free bodywashes are running out...)
$3.50 - $1 P&G Sale - $.50 eSaver - $2 MQ = FREE

Herbal Essences / Aussie $1.99
- $2/2 Aussie Q (7/26 RP)
- $1/1 Herbal Essences Q (7/5 P&G)
OR- Buy any Herbal Essence, Get Free Styler (7/26 RP)
= Free – 99¢

Oral B Toothbrush $1.00 - $1 MQ = FREE

Here's a scenario for you from Baby Center Community
Buy 1 Iams dog food - $16.99
Buy 1 Aussie shampoo - $2.99
Buy 1 Herbal Essence shampoo - $2.99
Buy 1 Herbal Essence styler - $2.99
Buy 1 DiGiorno Flatbread melts - $3.19
Buy 1 lb peaches - $.87
Buy 4 Kraft shells & cheese - $1.79/each
Use $1 Iams eSaver coupon
Use $2.50/1 Iams coupon (from Kroger mailer)
Use $2 Aussie eSaver coupon
Use $1 Herbal Essence eSaver coupon
Use $1/1 Herbal Essence coupon
Use free Herbal Essence styler when you buy shampoo/conditioner coupon
Use Free DiGiorno coupon
Use 2 $1.50/2 Kraft Shells & cheese printables
Use $3 Kraft OYNO catalina
Use $1 Kleenex OYNO catalinaInstant $4 off (P&G promotion)
Total before coupons = $37.18
Total after coupons = $12.50 - that's less than I would normally pay for 1 bag of dog food!
You will also get back a $3 OYNO catalina for the Kraft

Monday, July 20, 2009

Win $1000 Grocery card / learn to grocery shop on $25 a week.

All You! (I don't pay for many magazines, but this one tends to pay me back, as it is loaded with coupons!) has a grocery challenge happening right now.

The challenege is to spend less than $25 a week on groceries for a family of four. I LOVE this, because it's my personal challenge each week! Sound impossible? Stockpiling and coupons can make this possible. You just have to think outside the box.

Along with inspiration and ideas, there are tips on saving money. Check out

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Simply Cookies Coupon Link


I arrived home tonight to find my hubby had baked up chocolate chip cookies (did I mention I love this man?) MMMMMMmmm.... chocolatey goodness.
These cookies are all natural and new from Pillsbury! Although I can't promise you a plate of the yumminess waiting for you when you get home, I can get you a coupon .

Happy eating!
Print a Pillsbury simply…™ cookies electronic coupon.

Stretching the pennies till they yelp,

Rubber Dollar

Monday, July 13, 2009

Staples School Supply Deals this Week 7/12 - 7/15

Alrighty, now we're talkin'!

Get over there quick before they are all gone.

Pencils 1 cent for an 8 pack. limit 2

Copy paper 1 cent after Easy Rebate (mail that rebate right away so you won't forget!)

$1 kid scissors 2-pack, limit 2. (scissors are the most disappearing item at my house, much more than socks. Someday we'll move out and they will find 40 pairs of scissors and think we were senile...)

Pencil boxes $1 limit 2

Staplers (those cute mini kind) $1 limit 2

Photo plus paper (easy rebate) $1 limit 2 rebates

Highlighters $1

Velocity stick fashion pens $1 (limit 2)

Scott's magic tape (limit 2 ) $1

There's a coupon for $5 off of $20 in the ad. Buy 2 of each and get all these for $9 after rebates. Not too shabby!

CVS Great School Supply Deals This week!

Okey dokey... ya'll got those #2's sharpened yet?

School supply sales (the good ones) come but once a year, and now's the time.

CVS - First of all, all the ones in my area are out- so go in requesting a rain check, and get 'em later when they are fully stocked. (btw- kudos and shout out to my all time favorite manager at the 3040/Morriss CVS... you rock by welcoming couponers!)

Here's the deals:

Scissors - 5" $2.99 through Tuesday, 7/13 only. Get $2.99 ECB's back = FREE.
Ruler - (be careful here, more than one kind is 99 cents... ) 99 cents get 99 cents ECB back = FREE
Glue - 99 cents, get 99 cents back = FREE
Pens (8 count) =99 cents get 99 cents ECB back = FREE

I love the sign of the free...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tally it Up Tuesday!


As promised here's the tally (these started with July)

  • Secret shopping since 7/1/09 : $29.88
  • Free stuff aquired while secret shopping: $10
  • Cash earned secret shopping since 07/01/09: $43
  • Dryer loads dryed outside : 0 (it's raining!)

On the stretching it till payday tally :

0 $ on groceries from checking or savings since we started. And not on plastic either. Go team!

How'd your week turn out? Leave me your tally and play along!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wanna Free Ipod?

Deal Seeking Mom is hosting a give-away for a new site called XtraXtra! - it's all about hometown events... cool!

To win the ipod, check out and check this post .


When I started this blog, I used to tally some of my "cheap ways" as a way to keep score on how I was doing. If you'd like to play along, I'm going to start "Tally it up Tuesdays" where you can list how you've saved money for your family this week. If you are trying to get out of debt, set this money aside and use it to pay down some bills.
If you've been reading, you know I'm on a spend nothing from checking, credit, or savings until payday challenge. This is tricky... but it's been working okay. Today we had two secret shops GREAT budget stretchers, but they do require out of pocket cash up front.
Well-- as luck would have it, a customer of mine (I have a small shop, Keeps Me In Stitches) paid me in cash today! Hooray! Just enough to cover the two shops I needed to do.
One shop required eating at a burger joint after church, and it didn't have any problems with a guest or children. Perfect! so the family split two very large meals-- stretching the food budget a bit further.Then, we were paid $8 plus the cost of a pizza to have a pizza delivered. (Yes, I realise this is not the healthiest eating style...) Score two free meals plus $8 for the family.
Secret shopping since 7/1/09 : $29.88
Cash earned secret shopping since 07/01/09: $8
Dryer loads dryed outside : 0 (it's raining!)
fyi.. took two extra walks today- to work off some of those extra calories!

Getting Started in Secret Shopping

I've been secret shopping for about 5 years now. Every once in a while (but particularly when the economy deals a new blow) I'll get questions about secret shopping. I thought I'd take a minute to answer the most frequent ones from my perspective. If you're interested, it's a great way to stretch your pennies even further!

Q: How do you know the company is "for real" not a scam?

This is probably the question I get asked most. Reputable shopping companies do require some personal information because, like other reputatble companies they pay taxes. They require a social security number, your address, date of birth, etc. Sometimes giving out that information (particularly over the internet) can make you a bit leery.

One great place to start is with the MSPA - the Mystery Shopping Providers Association. This is not a secret shopping company itself, but rather a professional organization for mystery shoppers. They have certification tests and conventions, and allow secret shoppers to present themselves professionally to reputable companies.

Through their site, there are links to reputable companies to contact, as well as lists of current scams. It's a great place to start.

Q: Can I make a living mystery shopping? Can it replace my income?

The true answer here, in my opinion is no. Mystery shopping can be a great way to stretch a household budget or make a few extra dollatrs, but except for a very few people, it's not a full time salary. There are exceptions of course. You might build this into a full time income- kudos to you! But for most of us, it's like coupons. It won't pay for everything, but it can help!

Q: Do I get to keep the merchandise I buy while shopping?

If you looked at some of the ads, you'd think mystery shoppers were getting to keep Louis Vuitton purses and the like. This isn't really the case. In most cases, if you are asked to buy something expensive you are also asked to return it. I actually like these shops because they pay real money. Which leads me to...

Q: Will I get paid to eat out?

Most restaurants will buy your meal, but most do not pay in addition. Some will pay a small additional fee ($4 - $15) UNLESS they are in a bind- and that's when it can get really fun. I was once paid $30 to have a pizza delivered to my house, in addition to being paid back for the pizza! They do usually pay for your food (and sometimes your alcohol) bill. My husband and I have had many $100 + dinners and countless $35 dinners paid for by secret shopping companies.

Some of this might also depend on the area you live. In a big metropolitan area with many secret shoppers, the pay will be less. If you travel quite a bit and go through airports, there is big potential.

Although report writing can be time consuming at first, once you have a few under your belt and begin to see the kind of reports and details companies are looking for, it gets easier and quicker.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, stay tuned. Tomorrow I'll deliver Part Two: What do I need to get started?

Stetching it Sunday

Sunday is the day we CELEBRATE BEING CHEAP!

So c'mon-- share your cheap tips! (This is particularly in line with our two week challenge.)
Got a cheap recipe? A make it yourself cleaner? Share your tips on Sunday for how to stretch those pennies!

Here's how it works:
Add your link using the handy dandy widget below. Please link only to your specific post, not to your blog in general. Also be sure to link back to Stretching it Sunday post on your blog (or rish deletion.) Thanks!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Update on Stretching the Food until Payday

Morning went well. We're up to the challenge! (For those of you just joinging in... to make it 2 weeks without spending money for groceries. ) We added a few additions to this, to keep us sane:
  1. Secret shopping doesn't count. I had a few assignments that I needed to finish.

  2. Milk or bread paid for with cash on hand is okay. (Nothing may be withdrawn from checking or savings.) -- I used CVS bucks and a bread store card to accomplish these two.

  3. No eating out. Exception, see #1.

  • So, for breakfast- the end of yesterdays waffles. Hmm.. where's that pancake recipie again? I'm going to need it.

  • Snacks - pears.

  • Lunch - The girls had popcorn shrimp leftovers and pizza rolls. (Hey! No one ever said this was the totally healthy challenge!) Also cottage cheese and a cookie.

  • Dinner- homemade pizza. I only have Parmesean chesse... so it might get interesting.

If you want to see what I started with, you can read this post. I think we're going to do just fine. It's Fourth of July, but wouldn't you know it-- we got an invite. I think I'll make a pot of beans to bring over, and some biscuits. Hooray!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chicken Dump Alfredo Recipie

This morning went well. I used up the last of the pancake mix (thankfully doesn't call for milk) and managed to squeeze 2 1/2 (big) waffles out of it. One the girls split for breakfast and I had a 1/2. I saved the other one for tomorrow's breakfast for the girls. No need to be in the dumps about this.

Apple juice. Waffles. Oatmeal.

Snack- I packed big girl some of the grapes and some craisins. Also one of the chip bags. It's a lot, but she has a big day. She will bring home left-overs, likely.

Lunch- hot dogs, most likely.

Dinner- This is crock pot Chicken Dump Alfredo:

Chicken strips (these were on top) went in this morning. At noon, I'll add
At noon:
Chopped sauted celery
broccoli leftovers from fridge
broth (I'm going to have to use bullion and water as I'm out of actual broth)
At three:
Ragu Alfredo sauce (this was a freebie)

You can dump this all at once, but just leave out the spaghetti and microwave and mix just before serving. Otherwise the noodles will disappear from overcooking and break down.

Forget to put it in? Throw the whole mess in your pressure cooker for 20 - 25 minutes.

We followed these up with these for a little "eat your dinner" motivation. Honest, the chicken is very good-- it just deosn't pass the no foods touching test.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taking Stock of Freezer and Pantry

I'm feeling like the little boy with the fishes-- suddenly what I have on hand doesn't seem so bad. ..

This is Part 2 of the making it stretch post. The goal being to keep from going grocery shopping or spending any money until July 15th.

Here's the contents of useable food:

pizza rolls (6 or so)
1 pound frozen shrimp
green beans
chicken (lots)
2 pie shells
chicken nuggets
sausage (Polish Keilbasa)
ground beef (2 pounds)
mini tacos (about 5)

Spaghetti (precooked)
cottage cheese
broccoli serving
mac n cheese leftovers
2 eggs
apple juice
hot dogs
bacon bits (real bacon)
corn (looks a little past its prime)
celery (might be partially frozen)
ham lunchmeat
popcorn shrimp (1 serving)
baby carrots
parmesean cheese
cinnamon rolls
crescent rolls
pizza dough

bread crumbs
pasta salad
Alfredo sauce
Gingerbread mix
mac n cheese
squeezy cheese
evaporated milk
condensed milk
dry milk
tea bags
single serving chip bags
Peanut butter

Sorry about the long list.... so that's it. No cheating. I have big plans. I didn't list things like chocolate chips or pudding and soup mix, or spices... although I have some of these things as well.

Tomorrow- oatmeal and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We have some apple juice for the girls.. I plan on having coffee, even though I am (gasp!) out of creamer and milk. Yikes...

Kroger Deals for 7/1 - 7/6

Kroger is having their Daytona week again- you buy 10 items from the list, you get $3 off instantly. (Has to be in multiples of 10 to get the savings...)
  • Coke 12 packs 5/$12 (requires an additional $10 purchase) use your coupons from points to make these 5/$7 or $1.40 a twelve pack. Now, if you read the Tom Thumb section for this week, there is potentially a better deal, but it's not as sure...
  • Beef Brisket 99 cents a pound. (Perfect for $5 dinner night!)
  • Strawberries 99 cents for 16 ounces

Happy Shopping!

Albertsons Deals Texas 7/1-7/6/09

Here's the deal-i-o's for Albertson's for this week:
  • Corn! 10 for $3 or 30 cents each. This is perfect for $5 dinner this week.
  • Bluebell half gallons, 3/$10 - (Don't forget to print your coupon at You can print 2.
  • Oscar Mayer all meat franks B1G1 free. Use your $1/2 coupon from Smart Source 6/7 or 6/21 for even better savings.
  • Chinet Dinner Napkin 40 ct., 10/$10 use your $1/1 from 6/28 SS insert for-- FREE napkins! Also check here for another coupon...print Your Coupon
  • Hefty plates or bowls 10/$10 use coupon $0.50/1 Hefty plates / bowls 05/17 RP insert for FREE plates!

Might have to stop by for my FREEbies, even though I'm not shopping. Free doesn't count, right?

Tom Thumb Deals 7/1/09 - 7/6/09

Just because I'm on a grocery buying freeze out, doesn't mean I can't share the great deals with you guys!

Fourth of July is always an excellent time to save on certain items-- here's what I found this week for Tom Thumb. I'm in Flower Mound (Dallas area), so be sure to check your circular and make sure your sales match.

Blue Bell ice cream $3.49 (mmmmm.... I love Bluebell!)
now ya'll do know to go to and get your $1 coupon first, right?? So that makes Bluebell a very sensible $2.49 for a half gallon. Yummy! If you find any of that Southern Blackberry cobbler- post where! I might have to break my shopping fast.... This is the first month for Banana Pudding, which will be here through September, or until they run out.

Cherries - $1.88 pound

Coke - $1.99 / 12 pack with tear out coupon. (limit of 5) Now normally I would post to use your coupons from to make this 99 cents a 12 pack! but your mileage might vary based on the wording... one coupon per transaction. Even though I cleared it with my MGR last time, I still had trouble.

Kraft singles 12 ounce - 99 cents with coupon from flyer. (limit of 2)

Happy shopping!

Living from your pantry- Cheap Meals

Whether you are needing to stretch until your next payday, or just needing to clean out your freezer- every once in a while it's a great idea to "eat from your stash".

The challenge comes in stepping away from old faithfuls (in my house, the girls would eat a PB sandwich everyday if you let 'em) and trying something new. This is also the great part. By refusing to go to the grocery store for a period of time (a week or two weeks) you force yourself to "think outside of the box". Sometimes this isn't really by choice....

I hope some of you will join me in this challenge-- and let us know your creative meals. This week we had some unexpected issues which are going to make it a tough month. So, I'm trying to stretch not going to the grocery store until after July 15th. (Two paydays from now.) Join me! (Misery loves company?? Nah... .I love a good challenge!)

Issue Number one- We are OUT of milk. Am I allowed to buy any? I have some CVS ECB bucks-- does it count if I don't pay money??? Maybe we need some rules...

Day 1: Dinner - Spaghetti and Meatballs (from freezer). I usually add meat in the sauce, but not tonight. That meat can be a whole other meal. We served tea and green beans.

Day 2:
  • Breakfast - the end of the milk with cereal (hmmmm... this might be an issue)
  • Snack - Fresh fruit (leftover grapes from our trip and some strawberries)
  • Dinner - Frozen popcorn shrimp, cottage cheese (no milk, so this is the kiddos dairy), edamame from the freezer. Water to drink.

Since it's going to be meals that might not excite the kids- I tried to make this one a good one. All things they like. Now I'll try to ration the likes with the dislikes... see if we can make mealtime more pleasant while we stretch.

Tomorrow I have no waffles, and I have cereal- but no milk. I have some evaporated milk and some condensed milk, so maybe I can make one of those work for waffles. I'm off to make a freezer / pantry inventory and see what I can dig up to keep us happy the next few weeks. This will likely be most difficult for my dear hubby, who loves his morning Cheerios.